Index of /Git/CBTNuggets - GitLab Training/3. Understanding Team Development Process in GitLab/

1. Intro to GitLab Team Workflow - GitLab Train..> 06-Aug-2024 06:06    310M
2. Add GitLab Users and Team Members - GitLab T..> 06-Aug-2024 06:06     79M
3. Create GitLab Project Work Issues - GitLab T..> 06-Aug-2024 06:05     74M
4. Using GitLab Boards to Visualize Issues - Gi..> 06-Aug-2024 06:05     73M
5. Track GitLab Project Status with Milestones ..> 06-Aug-2024 06:06     47M
6. Peer Review Contributions with GitLab Merge ..> 06-Aug-2024 06:05     78M