{{- if include "gitlab-runner.gitlabUrl" . }} Your GitLab Runner should now be registered against the GitLab instance reachable at: {{ include "gitlab-runner.gitlabUrl" . }} {{- else -}} ############################################################################################# ## WARNING: You did not specify an gitlabUrl in your 'helm install' call. ## ############################################################################################# This deployment will be incomplete until you provide the URL that your GitLab instance is reachable at: helm upgrade {{ .Release.Name }} \ --set gitlabUrl=http://gitlab.your-domain.com,runnerRegistrationToken=your-registration-token \ gitlab/gitlab-runner {{- end -}} {{- if not .Values.runners.config }} ############################################################################################# ## WARNING: You don't seem to be using the GitLab Runner config template functionality. ## ## Configuring the GitLab Runner through that template is recommended as other ## ## configuration options will be deprecated in Helm Chart 1.0. Read more at ## ## https://docs.gitlab.com/runner/install/kubernetes.html#using-configuration-template. ## ############################################################################################# {{- end }} {{- $runnerNamespace := regexFind "\\s*namespace\\s*=.+\\s*" (tpl .Values.runners.config $) | regexFind "=.+" | trimPrefix "=" | trim -}} {{- if regexMatch "\\s*namespace\\s*=" .Values.runners.config }} Runner namespace {{ $runnerNamespace }} was found in runners.config template. {{- if .Values.runners.namespace }} ############################################################################################# ## WARNING: You have set the namespace in runners.config and also set in deprecated ## ## runner.namespace element. The runners.config namespace will be ignored. ## ############################################################################################# {{- end }} {{- end }}