Index of /Kubernetes/5 Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA), 3rd Edition/Module 3 Managing Kubernetes Clusters/Lesson 7 Performing Node Maintenance Tasks/

001. Learning objectives.mp4                       06-Aug-2024 01:15      4M
002. 7.1 Using Metrics Server to Monitor Node a..> 06-Aug-2024 01:15     24M
003. 7.2 Backing up the Etcd.mp4                   06-Aug-2024 01:15     27M
004. 7.3 Restoring the Etcd.mp4                    06-Aug-2024 01:15     25M
005. 7.4 Performing Cluster Node Upgrades.mp4      06-Aug-2024 01:14     40M
006. 7.5 Understanding Cluster High Availabilit..> 06-Aug-2024 01:15     60M
007. 7.6 Setting up a Highly Available Kubernet..> 06-Aug-2024 01:14     38M
008. Lesson 7 Lab Etcd Backup and Restore.mp4      06-Aug-2024 01:13      1M
009. Lesson 7 Lab Solution Etcd Backup and Rest..> 06-Aug-2024 01:14     20M