Index of /RHCSA/5 Bash Shell Scripting, 2nd Edition/Module 2 Shell Scripting Fundamentals/Lesson 6 Working with Variables and Arguments/

001. Learning objectives.mp4                       06-Aug-2024 04:19      4M
002. 6.1 About Terminology.mp4                     06-Aug-2024 04:20     10M
003. 6.2 Quoting.mp4                               06-Aug-2024 04:20     11M
004. 6.3 Defining and Using Variables.mp4          06-Aug-2024 04:20     37M
005. 6.4 Defining Variables with read.mp4          06-Aug-2024 04:20     13M
006. 6.5 Separating Code from Site Specific Dat..> 06-Aug-2024 04:20     23M
007. 6.6 Viewing Variables.mp4                     06-Aug-2024 04:19      9M
008. 6.7 Handling Script Arguments.mp4             06-Aug-2024 04:19     10M
009. 6.8 Using shift.mp4                           06-Aug-2024 04:20      9M
010. 6.9 Using Command Substitution.mp4            06-Aug-2024 04:20     14M
011. 6.10 Using Here Documents.mp4                 06-Aug-2024 04:20     30M
012. 6.11 Using Functions.mp4                      06-Aug-2024 04:20     12M
013. Lesson 6 Lab Working with Variables and Ar..> 06-Aug-2024 04:19      1M
014. Lesson 6 Lab Solution Working with Variabl..> 06-Aug-2024 04:20     15M