Index of /RHCSA/5 Bash Shell Scripting, 2nd Edition/Module 3 Using Conditional Statements/Lesson 8 Using if and if...then…else/

001. Learning objectives.mp4                       06-Aug-2024 04:20      3M
002. 8.1 Using test.mp4                            06-Aug-2024 04:20     17M
003. 8.2 Using Simple if Statements.mp4            06-Aug-2024 04:20     13M
004. 8.3 Using Logical Tests.mp4                   06-Aug-2024 04:20     21M
005. 8.4 Testing with [[ ]].mp4                    06-Aug-2024 04:20      9M
006. 8.5 Using if...then...else.mp4                06-Aug-2024 04:20     11M
007. 8.6 Using if...then…else with elif.mp4      06-Aug-2024 04:20      9M
008. Lesson 8 Lab Using if...then...else.mp4       06-Aug-2024 04:20      3M
009. Lesson 8 Lab Solution Using if...then...el..> 06-Aug-2024 04:20     31M